Monday 29 September 2008

♪Don't worry ♫ Be happy♪

Well, I'm trying to :P

There is some good news though: I spoke to Debbie today (hurrah!) and the application form is going OK, but we're now getting down to the nitty-gritties:

-How to find tutors for the activties we want to run, and how much they'll cost

-Working out how long the sessions are going to be, and how we're going to advertise.

- etc.

This all, unfortunately means a lot of maniacal phonecalling and e-mailing on my front as the application is due in really soon and we have to have all this kind of stuff covered. BUT I do know some people from whom I may be able to call in a favour... *fingers crossed*
So stress levels are at a medium.

On the other hand, I'm pretty pleased with how the facebook group I created is going, and a few people are beginngin to ask questions and send me messages about how they can help, which is all terrific. Plus, I've got a friend in the USA who is interested in getting involved as well, so we've been discussing what he can do in his area.

Thanks for reading- wish me luck : I'm off to send another e-mail.


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